
A tiny FSharp and CSharp Rest server

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A tiny FSharp and CSharp Rest server written in F#


A nuget package exists hehe: https://www.nuget.org/packages/TinyRest/

PM> Install-Package TinyRest

Usage in FSharp

There an example of a simple file server here: https://github.com/rflechner/TinyRest/blob/master/TinyRest/TinyRest/TinyRestServer-sample.fsx

let routes = [
            GET (Path("/")) <| fun q r -> text "coucou"
            get "/bye" <| fun q r -> text "bye bye\n@++"
            getPattern "/haha/(.*)" <| fun q r -> text "ha ha"
            GET (Path("/files")) <| listFiles
            get "/download" <| download

let conf = { Schema=Http; Port=8009; BasePath=Some "/TinyRest1"; Routes=routes; }
listen conf
Console.Read () |> ignore

Usage in CSharp

class Program
    private static int count = 0;

    private static void Main(string[] args)
            .OnGetPath("/", (request, response) => "coucou " + (count++))
            .OnGetPath("/json", (request, response) => response.Json(new
                Text = "coucou " + (count++)

