Signature: (line:int * column:int * filePath:string) -> unit
Add definition location information to the provided constructor.
AddObsoleteAttribute(message, isError)
Signature: (message:string * isError:bool option) -> unit
Add a 'System.Obsolete' attribute to this provided constructor
Signature: xmlDoc:string -> unit
Add XML documentation information to this provided constructor
Signature: (xmlDocFunction:(unit -> string)) -> unit
Add XML documentation information to this provided constructor, where the documentation is re-computed every time it is required.
Signature: (xmlDocFunction:(unit -> string)) -> unit
Add XML documentation information to this provided constructor, where the computation of the documentation is delayed until necessary
Signature: unit -> Expr list -> ConstructorInfo * Expr list
Set the target and arguments of the base constructor call. Only used for generated types.
CompiledName: set_BaseConstructorCall
Signature: unit -> unit
Set the target and arguments of the base constructor call. Only used for generated types.
CompiledName: set_BaseConstructorCall
Signature: unit -> Expr list -> Expr
Set the quotation used to compute the implementation of invocations of this constructor.
CompiledName: set_InvokeCode
Signature: unit -> unit
Set the quotation used to compute the implementation of invocations of this constructor.
CompiledName: set_InvokeCode
Signature: unit -> bool
Set a flag indicating that the constructor acts like an F# implicit constructor, so the
parameters of the constructor become fields and can be accessed using Expr.GlobalVar with the
same name.
CompiledName: set_IsImplicitCtor
Signature: unit -> unit
Set a flag indicating that the constructor acts like an F# implicit constructor, so the
parameters of the constructor become fields and can be accessed using Expr.GlobalVar with the
same name.
CompiledName: get_IsImplicitCtor
Signature: unit -> bool
CompiledName: set_IsTypeInitializer
Signature: unit -> unit
CompiledName: get_IsTypeInitializer